
Suit: Three pit bulls attacked professional dog walker


Friday, March 28, 2025

Suit: Three pit bulls attacked professional dog walker

Wallace charles1

A professional dog walker is suing the owners of three pit bulls he claims attacked him.

Derek Hanson filed a lawsuit July 30 in the Cook County Circuit Court against Juan and Maria Uriostegui.

According tot he suit, Hanson was carrying out his duties as a professional dog walker on Jan. 15 near the defendants' home, when their three pit bulls emerged from their home and attacked both Hanson and the dog he was walking on the city sidewalk.

Hanson claims the defendants knew or should have known their three dogs were violent and had a tendency to attack without reason or provocation.

He alleges violations of the Illinois Animal Control Act and accuses the defendants of failing to restrain and properly train the dogs or otherwise control their violent, vicious behavior.

As a result of the alleged attack, the suit states Hanson sustained severe and permanent injuries that will prevent him from attending to his usual duties and he will lose the value of that time.

Hanson is seeking compensation and is represented by Charles A. Wallace of Morici, Figlioli & Associates in Chicago.

Cook County Circuit Court Case No. 2014L007961.

This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed at the Cook County Circuit Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note that a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt, and it represents only one side of the story.


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