
Stories by DM Herra on Cook County Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

DM Herra News

Court: Advocate hospital's self-insured trust documents are not exempt from discovery in med mal case

By DM Herra |
A state appellate court has ruled a self-insured health care organization must produce insurance documents it says are confidential as part of discovery in a medical malpractice suit.

Appeals court: Taiwanese bike maker must face lawsuit from IL cyclist whose bike broke as she rode it

By DM Herra |
A state appellate court was not convinced by a Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer’s argument that its ties to Illinois are too weak to make it a defendant in a lawsuit brought by a woman who said she was injured when her bike fell apart as she rode it in a long-distance cycling event.

Appeals court: CTA workers union may have been too late in bringing labor case over Ventra rollout

By DM Herra |
A state appeals court has reversed itself, directing the Illinois Labor Relations Board to take yet another look at a 2013 unfair labor practice case brought by a union against the Chicago Transit Authority over its handling of the rollout of the Ventra fare payment system.