Johnson & Bell
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Recent News About Johnson & Bell
A jury had agreed bar staff were 80% liable for bar patron becoming a quadriplegic, but the bar owners said they weren't given a fair trial
The plaintiff claimed a window display at the mall's Sephora cosmetics store caused her not to see a flight of four stairs in front of her, causing her to fall and break multiple bones
A Cook County judge has ruled Chicago corporate law firm Johnson & Bell can't continue with its defamation and disparagement claims vs class action law firm Edelson P.C.
Appellate judges noted the man had already crashed several times fleeing the scene, and officers already knew someone in the car had fired a gun less than two minutes earlier.
In divorce, Chicago class action lawyer Jay Edelson wants his wife’s attorneys kicked off the case, because he alleges they could feed sensitive information to Johnson & Bell, which is suing Edelson for allegedly disparaging their practice.