

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sheridan Apartments named in slip and fall suit


A Cook County woman is suing over claims she sustained injuries after falling down her apartment steps.

Juana Rodriguez filed a lawsuit Feb. 18 in the Cook County District Court against Grigore Fizesan and Sheridan Apartments, citing negligence.

Rodriguez claims she was walking down the stairwell inside her apartment building at 4844 W. Henderson St. in Chicago on June 28, 2012 when she tripped on loose carpeting, sustaining injuries.

The suit alleges the stairwell of the defendant's apartment complex was not properly maintained as there was loose carpeting that caused Rodriguez to fall and break her right ankle in two places, requiring surgery.

Rodriguez is seeking damages in excess of $100,000, attorneys' fees and court costs. She is being represented in the case by attorneys at James J. Roche & Associates in Chicago.

Cook County District Court Case No. 2014L001607.

This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed at the Cook County Courthouse. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note, a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt, and it only represents one side of the story.

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