A food service company is suing two Chicago restaurants it claims has failed to pay for the products they purchased.
MT Food Service Inc. filed a breach of contract lawsuit Oct. 30 in Cook County Circuit Court against Taverna Chicago, doing business as Tavernita; Little Market Restaurant, doing business as Mercadito Fish; and Alfredo Sandoval.
According to the complaint, MT Food Service supplied Tavernita with more than $9,000 in food products between Feb. 3 and Aug. 28. It claims the restaurant, which is listed as closed on Yelp.com, owes it more than $10,000 with attorney fees included.
MT Food Service also claims it supplied more than $37,000 in food products to Mercadito Fish between June 7 and Sept. 5 and has not been paid for it.
According to the lawsuit, both sums were personally guaranteed by Sandoval and, per the contract, are subject to attorney fees and collection costs.
MT Food Service is seeking $10,301 from Taverna and $37,660 from Little Market Restaurant. It is represented by attorneys at Hermanek & Gara in Chicago.
Cook County Circuit Court case number: 2014L011255.
This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note, a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt and it represents only one side of the story.
Suit: Mercadito Fish, Tavernita owe food services company $47K