A Wilmette woman is suing a national retailer and manufacturer after buying a humidifier she asserts caught on fire.
Nancy Singer filed a product liability suit Jan. 21 in Cook County Circuit Court against Sunbeam Products Inc. and Bed Bath and Beyond Inc., as well as Bed Bath and Beyond corporations in Wilmette, Crystal Lakes, Geneva, Lincoln Park and Rockford.
According to the complaint, Singer bought a Bionaire model humidifier, which was manufactured by Sunbeam, on Feb. 6, 2010 from a Bed Bath and Beyond retail store. When she was using the humidifier in her home, Singer asserts it caught on fire.
Singer alleges the product was unsafe in multiple ways, including not having a shut-off button, warning system for overheating and automatic shut off for overheating. She claims the defendants should have known about the dangers of the product.
Singer seeks damages in excess of $50,000 for personal and property damages. She is represented by attorney Charles Webster of Brustin & Lundblad of Chicago.
Cook County Circuit Court case number: 2015L000605.
This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note, a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt and it represents only one side of the story.
Sunbeam, Bed Bath and Beyond face suit over humidifier