The owner of a black Labrador named Lars is facing a lawsuit from a man who alleges the dog bit him in the face.
Leonard Clinton filed suit Feb. 19 in the Cook County Circuit Court against John Barrille, alleging violations of the Illinois Animal Control Act.
According to the complaint, Clinton was at Barrille's premises on North Jefferson Street on Aug. 4, when the defendant's dog attacked and bit him in the face without provocation, causing injuries.
Clinton is seeking at least $100,000 in damages and is represented by Sharon A. Kobrin of Munday Nathan & Schulkin in Chicago.
Cook County Circuit Court Case No. 2015L001771.
This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note that a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt and represents only one side of the story.
Black Lab bit man in face, suit says