
Resis seeks to grow Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel as new president


Sunday, March 30, 2025

Resis seeks to grow Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel as new president

Webp general court 06


SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel (IADC) is expected to reach new heights with its new president, legal veteran Michael Resis.

The defense attorney association introduced Resis as president in June. Resis told the Cook County Record that during his one-year term he hopes to not only continue the efforts of past IADC presidents, but also expand membership.

"I would like to continue with ongoing efforts to grow our membership and see our substantive committee structure strengthened to benefit our members," Resis said.

Michael Resis

Resis has 30 years of legal experience under his belt. As a founding partner and chairman of SmithAmundsen, a tier-1 appellate practice, he has handled hundreds of civil appeals and has reversed several multimillion dollar judgments and verdicts. He also has a relevant history with IADC, having served as a member of the board of directors, an officer and chaired the organization's amicus committee.

"To become president says that the board members and officers, who have served with me, recognize my contributions and have confidence in me to lead the organization for the next year," Resis said.

Resis has high expectations for the future of the IADC, and as the newest head of the association, he expects to be an instrumental part in its future.

"Like many other professional organizations, the IADC needs to continue to recruit younger practitioners and provide them with opportunities to develop professionally," Resis said. "Also, I would like to see the IADC partner with other bar groups and judges associations to put on joint seminars."

During its 50-year history, the IADC has provided a platform in which volunteers can dedicate their time to the betterment of the defense bar and the association. The organization has grown to over 800 members and is considered by many to be the premier defense organization in Illinois.

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