

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Neal Gerber Eisenberg Ranked Among Best Midsize Law Firms in Chicago by Vault

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Neal Gerber Eisenberg issued the following announcement on Aug. 4.

Neal Gerber Eisenberg is proud to announce that it has been ranked by Vault as one of the leading midsize law firms in Chicago to work for, listed as third-best among its peers.  This is the first year Vault released rankings for this category.  In addition, NGE is proud to be ranked among the 25 best midsize law firms to work for in the United States.

To determine their rankings, Vault asks associates to evaluate their firm on issues related to career development, job satisfaction, and quality of life.  Associates commented that “the people who work at NGE are genuinely kind and want associates to succeed,” and that they enjoyed “the combination of interesting work, nice and professional colleagues, and humane billable-hour expectations.”

Vault also ranked midsize law firms in a dozen quality-of-life categories, with NGE achieving a ranking in each category.  The firm obtained top five rankings for its pro bono commitment and its attorney wellness initiatives.  NGE was also listed in the top 20 for Associate/Partner Relations, Diversity, Hours, Transparency, Firm Culture, and Informal Training, Mentoring & Sponsorship.  Finally, the firm achieved top 25 rankings for Technology & Innovation, Selectivity, Compensation, and Formal Training.

Pro bono work is a cornerstone of the firm’s mission and NGE encourages all of its attorneys to undertake at least 50 hours of pro bono services per year.  In recognition of NGE's dedication to pro bono work, the firm was recently named to the Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) Pro Bono Recognition Roster for the 11th straight year.  NGE also received a 2021 Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for pro bono work helping financially under-resourced inventors and small businesses secure patent protection.

In addition, the firm has a strong focus on attorney and staff wellness, signing the American Bar Association’s Well-Being Pledge, and launching its Being Well initiative for all NGE attorneys and staff in 2019.  Since launching the Being Well initiative, NGE has added several resources designed to help all attorneys and staff address the broad range of their personal needs, from family planning and fertility complexities to the care of aging loved ones. 

Original source can be found here.

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