
Employee Owned 2021 Conference on November 10-12, 2021


Monday, March 31, 2025

Employee Owned 2021 Conference on November 10-12, 2021


Holland & Knight LLP recently issued the following announcement.

ESOP attorneys Renee Lewis, Grant McCorkhill, Chelsea McCarthy, Betsy Perdue and Todd Wozniak will each be speaking at the upcoming Employee Owned 2021 Conference organized by The ESOP Organization. This event is designed to help attendees adapt to the ever-changing business landscape through insightful speakers, innovative ideas, the latest industry updates, trustworthy technical content and a focus on current events.

Ms. Lewis will be speaking in the session "Board Duties In An ESOP Company." This session will provide an overview of a Board's duties in an ESOP owned company, highlighting the differences from a non-ESOP owned company, an overview of best practices and pitfalls to avoid.

Mr. McCorkhill will be speaking in the session "How to Mitigate Trustee Fiduciary Liability." This session will discuss the challenges internal trustees face playing multiple roles within the company and how to mitigate the potential liability.

Ms. McCarthy will be speaking in the session "Litigation Update - Trends and Open Questions." This session will address recent case law, trends, and open questions in ESOP-related litigation, including a discussion of preemption, indemnification, arbitration clauses, recent notable cases and COVID-19 issues.

Ms. Perdue will be speaking in the session "Our ESOP Transaction Just Closed - Now What?" Life as an ESOP company can be a bit different – there will be some new requirements to comply with, as well as new opportunities to pursue and new challenges to meet. This session will provide a practical roadmap and guide to the first few years of life as an ESOP company.

Mr. Wozniak will be speaking in the session "Board Litigation & Risk Management." With DOL investigations and litigation on the rise and Board members being more involved in these actions, it is important for the Board to understand their part in the risk management and what responsibilities they have regarding the employee owned company. 

Board Duties In An ESOP Company

Thursday, November 11, 2021

11:00 a.m.

How to Mitigate Trustee Fiduciary Liability

Thursday, November 11, 2021

3:15 p.m.

Litigation Update - Trends and Open Questions

Thursday, November 11, 2021

4:30 p.m.

Our ESOP Transaction Just Closed - Now What?

Friday, November 12, 2021

9:30 a.m.

Board Litigation & Risk Management

Friday, November 12, 2021

12:45 p.m.

Original source can be found here.

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