
Charting a New Course: Labor and Employment Under the Biden Administration on December 1, 2021


Monday, March 31, 2025

Charting a New Course: Labor and Employment Under the Biden Administration on December 1, 2021


Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP recently issued the following announcement.

Please join Faegre Drinker for “Charting a New Course: Labor and Employment Under the Biden Administration,” a fast-paced series of webinars exploring the latest developments in labor and employment law as well as legislative and regulatory priorities moving forward. Our presenters will zero in on the new administration, the hopeful wind-down of a once-in-a-century pandemic and the radically different world of work before us, and will equip you with critical insights to help field whatever the next four years hold.

Join Us for Our Next Session

December 1: Equal Employment Opportunity: New Meanings, New Challenges

Even as restrictions brought by the pandemic begin to ease, employers everywhere are still grappling with the deluge of federal and state regulations, particularly as it pertains to the new Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) guidance on vaccination mandates and exemptions.

In this session, we will discuss:

  • EEOC guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace.
  • Employer obligations to grant religious exemptions from COVID-19 mandates.
  • The impact of COVID-19 as a potential disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Developing state laws regarding COVID-19 mandates and exemptions.
Speakers for this session:

  • Lynne Anderson, Partner, Faegre Drinker
  • Kristin Jones Pierre, Partner, Faegre Drinker
Original source can be found here.

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