

Friday, September 20, 2024

Woman sues Roundy's Illinois LLC for injuries of a permanent and lasting nature

Federal Court
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Gina Niemi-Yagoub has filed a lawsuit against Roundy's Illinois LLC, also known as Mariano's, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The court case ID is 1:24-cv-03817 and it was filed on May 10, 2024. The lawsuit was initially initiated in the Circuit Court of Cook County with case number 2024 L 3799 but was later removed to federal court due to diversity of citizenship and the requisite amount in controversy.

On April 8, 2024, Gina Niemi-Yagoub initiated the lawsuit by filing a complaint against Roundy's Illinois LLC. The defendant was served on April 11, 2024. Jennifer R. Beegle and John K. Holiona from Molzahn, Reed & Rouse, LLC are representing Roundy's Illinois Inc.

Ms. Niemi-Yagoub entered Roundy's to do some shopping.  While doing her business, an employee allegedly acting in a otherwise careless and negligent manor, struck her with a pallet jack.  She believes the store should have alerted her to the approaching dangerous equipment and failed to properly train their employees which caused the unsafe environment.

The plaintiff alleges that she sustained injuries of a permanent and lasting nature both internally and externally. The damages sought exceed the Circuit Court of Cook County’s minimal jurisdictional limit of $50,000 which triggered the duty to remove the case to federal court.

Niemi-Yagoub is seeking judgment for her injuries from Roundy's Illinois LLC d/b/a Mariano’s. While liability, causation, and damages will be contested by the defendants, they believe that the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 exclusive of interest and costs.

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