

Friday, September 20, 2024

Commercial Truck Driver Sues Village of Posen for Alleged Illegal Ticketing Scheme

Federal Court
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In a class-action lawsuit filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois (Case No: 2043GH01316) on February 10, 2023, plaintiff Max Frederic represented by Markoff Leinberger LLC accuses the Village of Posen of conducting an illegal scheme involving issuing oversize and overweight tickets to commercial truckers. The suit alleges that Posen denies truckers their legal right to have these tickets adjudicated in an Illinois court, instead requiring them to be processed through Posen's internal administrative system.

The complaint states that Posen is exploiting this scheme to generate significant revenue for itself due to the hefty fines imposed by these tickets. Furthermore, it alleges that the judgments and findings regarding these tickets are null and void as Posen lacks subject matter jurisdiction. It also highlights the impact on commercial truck drivers who risk losing their licenses and livelihoods due to these reportable offenses under the Illinois Vehicle Code.

Frederic seeks a declaratory judgment declaring all judgments and liability findings resulting from Posen’s administrative adjudication of tickets as null and void ab initio. He also claims unjust enrichment on behalf of himself and similarly situated persons.

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