

Friday, September 20, 2024

Man sues Saks Fifth Avenue for patent infringement over web slideshow technology

Federal Court
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Adaptive Avenue Associates, Inc. has filed a lawsuit against Saks Fifth Avenue LLC for patent infringement in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. The case, identified as 1:24-cv-04092, was filed on May 17, 2024. Adaptive Avenue alleges that Saks Fifth Avenue has infringed on its patents related to customizable website access systems and methods.

According to the complaint, Adaptive Avenue owns U.S. Patent Nos. 7,171,629 and 7,428,707, which cover systems and methods for automated navigation through multiple website addresses without reprogramming site content. The plaintiff's attorneys are David R. Bennett and Steven G. Kalberg from Direction IP Law in Chicago. The alleged infringement involves the use of these patented technologies on Saks Fifth Avenue's website (www.saksfifthavenue.com), particularly through web slideshows that display sequences of URLs.

The damages sought by Adaptive Avenue include an amount no less than a reasonable royalty for the use of their patented technology along with interest and costs incurred due to the infringing activities. The plaintiff also demands pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on these damages.

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