

Monday, September 16, 2024

Disabled Instructor Sues Roosevelt University Over Discrimination Claims

Federal Court
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Diane Field, an individual with multiple disabilities, has filed a discrimination complaint against Roosevelt University and the Roosevelt Adjunct Faculty Organization. The complaint was filed on May 29, 2024, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois by Diane Field.

Field's lawsuit alleges that Roosevelt University (RU) and its adjunct faculty union have repeatedly discriminated against her due to her disabilities. Field, who holds a Master's degree in Actuarial Science and works as a part-time adjunct math instructor at RU, claims she has faced significant barriers in her employment and educational pursuits because of RU's failure to provide necessary accommodations. She states that RU has shown "deliberate indifference" or "reckless indifference" towards her needs.

Field’s complaint details numerous instances where she was denied reasonable accommodations essential for her to perform her job effectively. These include the need for an appropriately lit classroom, nearby respite areas, and accessible digital communication tools. For example, she mentions being forced to teach in classrooms far from respite areas despite having documented needs for such accommodations due to sensory overload issues. This led to physical injuries like a broken hand when she couldn't manage her service animal properly after being overwhelmed by inadequate teaching conditions.

Moreover, Field accuses RU of maintaining inaccessible websites and internal email systems that exacerbate her vision-based communication deficits. Despite evaluations from the Illinois Assistive Technology Program recommending specific software and training for web accessibility, RU allegedly failed to implement these changes or provide adequate training sessions accessible to Field.

Field also asserts that RU has used discriminatory hiring practices by preferring non-disabled teachers over her for advanced math courses she is qualified to teach. She recounts instances where arbitrary reasons were given for denying her opportunities while less qualified non-disabled individuals were hired instead.

The complaint extends accusations towards the Roosevelt Adjunct Faculty Organization (RAFO), alleging it aided and abetted RU’s discriminatory practices. According to Field, RAFO failed to support her accommodation requests adequately and even canceled meetings crucial for discussing necessary adjustments with university officials.

Field seeks various forms of relief from the court including declaratory judgments recognizing the discrimination she faced, compensatory and punitive damages, injunctive relief requiring RU to cease discriminatory practices, mandatory ADA training for staff and union representatives, alterations to make digital communications fully ADA compliant, and improvements in physical accommodations within university facilities.

The case is being overseen by Judge Robert W. Gettleman with Magistrate Judge M. David Weisman assisting. Diane Field is represented by attorney [Attorney Name], while Roosevelt University’s legal representation includes [Defendant's Lawyer Name]. The case ID is 1:24-cv-04383.

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