

Monday, September 16, 2024

Former student alleges Fenton Community High School District enabled teacher's sexual abuse over decade

Federal Court
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A harrowing lawsuit has been filed against a school district for allegedly enabling a teacher to sexually abuse students over more than a decade. The complaint, lodged by Survivor A in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on June 5, 2024, accuses Fenton Community High School District 100 Board of Education (BOE) of gross negligence and willful misconduct.

According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff claims that from at least 2009 through 2023, the BOE permitted Michael Berago—a teacher, coach, and administrator—to groom and repeatedly rape, sexually assault, and harass her while she was a student at Fenton Community High School (FCHS). Despite numerous complaints from teachers, parents, and students about Berago's inappropriate behavior as early as 2011, the school district allegedly turned a blind eye to his actions. Instead of disciplining him, they promoted him to senior leadership positions until he was finally placed on administrative leave in 2023 and fired in 2024.

The plaintiff recounts how Berago used his position of authority to manipulate and abuse her from 2015 through at least 2016. She describes how he began grooming her by giving special attention and compliments before escalating to sexual texts and physical assaults. These assaults occurred both on school grounds—in his office with closed doors and blinds—and off-campus in isolated locations. Despite being aware of these interactions, other staff members did nothing to intervene or report them.

Survivor A further alleges that the school district engaged in a pattern of preventing students from coming forward by failing to inform parents about misconduct reports and interviewing children without their parents' knowledge. The lawsuit also claims that Berago secured her silence through threats of retaliation against her or her family. In one instance documented in May 2022 text messages, Berago threatened legal action if she pursued any claims against him.

The plaintiff is seeking damages exceeding $75,000 for each count listed in the complaint. She demands injunctive relief requiring the defendant to implement effective policies and procedures to prevent future incidents of grooming and assault by school staff. Additionally, she seeks litigation costs, reasonable attorney’s fees, prejudgment and postjudgment interest.

Representing Survivor A are attorneys whose names were not provided in the document. The case is being overseen by judges within the jurisdiction of the Northern District of Illinois under Case ID: 1:24-cv-04654.

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