

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Assistant Professor Alleges Discrimination Against University Board

Federal Court
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In a striking lawsuit that underscores ongoing issues of workplace discrimination, Em Rabelais has filed a complaint against the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. The complaint was filed on July 8, 2024, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Dr. Em Rabelais, an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), alleges that she faced discriminatory practices during her tenure-track position in the Department of Women, Children and Family Health Sciences, now known as the Department of Human Development Nursing Science. Hired in January 2017, Dr. Rabelais claims to have met all job requirements satisfactorily but encountered systemic bias that violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA).

According to Dr. Rabelais' complaint, her experience at UIC was marred by discriminatory practices that hindered her professional growth and created a hostile work environment. "Despite my qualifications and dedication," Dr. Rabelais states in her filing, "I was subjected to unfair treatment based on my gender identity." The plaintiff's allegations suggest that UIC failed to provide an inclusive and equitable workplace, thus breaching federal and state anti-discrimination laws.

The complaint details specific instances where Dr. Rabelais felt marginalized and discriminated against by colleagues and superiors within the department. These incidents allegedly included exclusion from key meetings, denial of research opportunities, and biased performance evaluations. "The actions taken by UIC were not only unjust but also illegal under Title VII and IHRA," asserts Dr. Rabelais.

Dr. Rabelais is seeking several forms of relief from the court. Primarily, she requests compensatory damages for emotional distress and financial losses incurred due to the alleged discrimination. Additionally, she seeks punitive damages aimed at deterring similar future conduct by UIC or other institutions. Furthermore, Dr. Rabelais demands injunctive relief requiring UIC to implement comprehensive anti-discrimination training programs and policies to foster a more inclusive work environment.

Representing Dr. Rabelais is attorney Jillian T. Weiss from the Law Office of Jillian T. Weiss, P.C., based in Beacon, New York. The case has been assigned Civil Action No.: 1:24-cv-05723 in front of judges yet to be named.

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