
Vedder Price Attends Chicago Innovation Awards NASDAQ Bellringing 2024


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Vedder Price Attends Chicago Innovation Awards NASDAQ Bellringing 2024


Trophy | Unplash by Giorgio Trovato

To celebrate the Chicago Innovation Awards, several attorneys from Vedder Price joined the award winners to ring the Nasdaq opening bell in New York City this month.

 Following the ceremony, Vedder Price hosted a brunch for the winners at the New York City office, where they shared their products and ideas with the firm’s attorneys. Chicago is the only city to have its top innovators come together for this annual event, bringing attention to the everyday innovation that happens in the Chicago region and shining a spotlight on the city’s vibrant economy and the organizations that have built it.Chicago Innovation’s award winners consist of all industries: high-tech and no-tech, for-profit and not-for-profit. This includes businesses in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Each organization selected has addressed an unmet need in its respective marketplace, providing a unique solution to end-users, improving their lives while exceeding market expectations and achieving financial success. 

In response to the milestones achieved by Chicago Innovation and its awarded businesses, July 9 has been officially deemed as “Chicago Innovation Day” by the city’s current mayor, Mayor Brandon Johnson. Vedder Price is a proud sponsor of the Chicago Innovation Awards.

Original source can be found here.


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