

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Former Employee Alleges Discrimination Against Bob Rohrman Auto Group

Federal Court
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A former employee has taken legal action against a prominent auto group, alleging discriminatory practices and wrongful termination. William Wilson filed a complaint in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on August 7, 2024, accusing Bob Rohrman Auto Group of race and age discrimination.

According to the complaint, Wilson, an African American over the age of 40, began working at Bob Rohrman Auto Group's Arlington Heights dealership on February 1, 2020. Initially hired as a Public Relations / Aftermarket Manager, his role later expanded to include Owner Loyalty Manager responsibilities. The general manager of the dealership, Robert Majesky, allegedly made derogatory comments about Wilson's race and age throughout his employment. For instance, Majesky reportedly referred to African Americans as "brothers," "strokes," or "rats" and called Wilson "your old ass."

The situation escalated on May 8, 2021. While using the restroom in the service area, Wilson heard someone call him to the front desk. Upon arriving at the sales floor, Majesky berated him with expletives and accused him of lying about his whereabouts despite other employees confirming that they had seen Wilson exit the restroom. Majesky then sent Wilson home.

When Wilson returned to work on May 10, he was informed by colleagues that he had been terminated without any formal documentation or explanation from Majesky. Despite attempts to seek clarification and a formal separation document from Majesky and higher-ups within the company, Wilson was met with hostility and refusal.

Wilson subsequently contacted human resources and lodged a complaint about Majesky's behavior. Mark Bautista, a director at Bob Rohrman Auto Group, informed Wilson that Majesky had been reprimanded and fired on June 1, 2021. Bautista also promised to find another position for Wilson within the company but eventually ceased communication without fulfilling this promise.

Wilson believes that younger employees and non-African American employees were treated more favorably by Majesky. He also asserts that he is the only employee who was terminated for taking a bathroom break.

In his lawsuit, Wilson accuses Bob Rohrman Auto Group of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 20000e et seq.) and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (29 U.S.C. § 621 et seq.). He seeks actual damages, compensatory damages, liquidated damages, punitive damages, costs associated with bringing the lawsuit forward including attorney’s fees.

The case is being handled by Christina Abraham Esq., representing William Wilson. The Case No. is: 24-cv-6957.

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