

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Better Mouse Company Accuses Online Retailers of Patent Infringement

Federal Court

A Texas-based company is taking a stand against what it alleges to be foreign patent infringers exploiting its patented technology. On October 4, 2024, Better Mouse Company, LLC filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against several unidentified partnerships and unincorporated associations. These defendants are accused of selling unauthorized computer mice that allegedly infringe on Better Mouse Company's patent.

The plaintiff, Better Mouse Company, claims that these defendants operate multiple online storefronts on platforms like Amazon and Shein. They allegedly sell products that incorporate a unique honeycomb design and advanced technological features patented by Better Mouse Company. The complaint highlights how these online stores share identical product images and specifications, suggesting an organized effort to distribute these infringing products. The company asserts that this operation has caused irreparable damage by undermining its exclusive rights to manufacture and sell its patented invention.

Better Mouse Company owns a patent for a computer mouse technology that allows users to adjust the device's resolution without external software—a significant innovation in user convenience and functionality. This technology was patented in 2009 after being filed in 2005. The plaintiff accuses the defendants of willfully infringing on this patent by importing and selling mice with similar adjustable DPI features via their online stores. These actions allegedly violate U.S. Patent laws under 35 U.S.C. § 271.

The lawsuit seeks several forms of relief from the court. Better Mouse Company requests a judgment confirming the willful infringement of its patent rights by the defendants. It also demands damages adequate to compensate for this infringement, potentially tripled due to the willful nature of the violation, as well as reasonable attorney fees and costs associated with pursuing legal action.

Representing Better Mouse Company is attorney Nicholas Najera from NI, Wang & Massand, PLLC based in Dallas, Texas. The case is presided over by judges from the Northern District of Illinois under Case ID 1:24-cv-09545.

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