Mark Glennon, Wirepoints News
'Disappointing' that IL Supreme Court missed 'teaching moment' on constitutional limits on state borrowing
Wirepoints president Mark Glennon says the Illinois Supreme Court should have engaged on the merits of the claims in a taxpayer lawsuit vs the state over borrowing, particularly since the court did not dismiss the lawsuit as "frivolous," as state officials have characterized the suit.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky leading new charge to bully big tech into more censorship
Democrats in Congress are attempting to sidestep the First Amendment and pressure Big Tech to engage in the censorship the government can't, argues Mark Glennon
Compulsory political ideology for Illinois teachers moves closer to finalization
A proposal pending in Springfield could change the rules for Illinois teachers, forcing them to uphold and teach "woke" progressive political positions in Illinois classrooms or risk losing their licenses.
Amend Illinois’ Pension Protection Clause Right, and Act Now
Pensions are Illinois’ biggest problem and they cannot be fixed without an amendment to the state constitution.
Affordable housing boost, at everyone else's expense
Illinois lawmakers are contemplating special tax breaks for developers to encourage affordable housing. But it may just end up raising your tax bill.