Mark Glennon, Wirepoints News
Labeling your political opponents 'Nazis' won't help anyone, Mr. Governor
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker used his annual State of the State Address to lash out at President Donald Trump and his supporters - potentially including more than 40% of all Illinoisans - calling them all 'Nazis.' Such rhetoric was as irresponsible as it was inflammatory, stoking only more hatred and division, said Mark Glennon
Enough is enough
Illinois should follow the example set by Michigan in dealing with dysfunction in schools in Detroit and establish a new school district in Chicago to entirely replace CPS
Brazen election interference: Pritzker, IL Dems blatantly rewrite law to favor Dems in November
Illinois Democrats retroactively changed the law to knock out Republican challengers. Surely, lawsuits must follow.
The biggest, new reporting law for business that you probably never heard of is ripe for political abuse
Under a new federal law, all businesses, of all sizes, must now reveal their ownership to the federal government. Should they be worried? Maybe, says Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
Gov. JB Pritzker’s new assault on free speech
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker says he believes the state has the power to "prosecute people" for speech about abortion, if the state of Illinois determines that otherwise constitutionally-protected speech is "deceptive."
Response by Illinois progressives to Friday’s Supreme Court rulings was shameful, irresponsible, dishonest
Gov. JB Pritzker and other prominent Illinois Democrats lined up to blast the U.S. Supreme Court for three recent decisions. They may rue those statements in coming years, warns Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
Illinois’ new ban on book bans is an empty and hypocritical stunt
The so-called ban on book bans, hailed by Gov. JB Pritzker and other Illinois Democrats, is likely unconstitutional bunk, says Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
Illinois bill would criminalize routine discipline as 'parental bullying'
While the bill likely will go nowhere, it’s unfathomable that it could even be proposed: In the relevant part, a bill now pending in the Illinois legislature would criminalize, as “parental bullying,” any parent who knowingly, with intent to discipline or alter the behavior of a child, says or messages anything that would coerce the child.
Pritzker's contemptuous answer to a reasonable question on judicial recusal
Should judges who received a million dollars each from Gov. JB Pritzker for their campaigns recuse themselves from decisions on the constitutionality of two of his pet pieces of legislation — the SAFE-T Act and the assault weapons ban?
Smile, Clarence Thomas: Lightfoot’s Chicago wants courts to restrict bodily autonomy rights by extending Dobbs decision
Despite excoriating the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade, Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the city attorneys are seeking to use that decision to defeat a challenge to the city's Covid vaccine mandate by arguing the Dobbs decision goes further than SCOTUS intended, says Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
Casten’s proposal to strip SCOTUS of constitutional review authority is ‘crackpot,’ universally ridiculed idea
U.S. Rep. Sean Casten has proposed rewriting the U.S. Constitution to essentially make it all but impossible for courts to strike down laws that violate the U.S. Constitution and citizens' rights, writes Mark Glennon, of WirePoints
A responsible Illinois General Assembly would be adopting rules similar to the new U.S. House rules
No Illinoisans other than those now in charge in Springfield would object to rules requiring three days to read bills before they can be voted on, writes Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
Supporters of Illinois’ Truth in Politics Act, and their like, deserve contempt and ridicule
Under a bill introduced by Democratic State Rep. Denise Wang Stoneback, of Skokie, the so-called Truth in Politics Act could criminalize a broad range of blatantly political speech, if the government decides it is "misinformation"
Crazy IL Supreme Court ruling gives glimpse to how SAFE-T Act may be applied in the future, even to the past
The ruling is only "a taste of what's to come," Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints, writes. "Courts will have to give meaning to countless items in the 700-page SAFE-T Act and we can expect it to be ... in favor of defendants."
Epic unemployment insurance fraud during pandemic is still being stonewalled by state of Illinois
The state may have paid out well more than $6 billion in fraudulent unemployment benefits during the Covid pandemic. But Gov. JB Pritzker's Illinois Department of Employment Security isn't letting anyone find out for sure, even while other states are far more transparent, says Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
Two ‘compelled speech’ matters beg for litigation in Illinois
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and the Democrats who control Illinois' state government and state institutions are all but asking for court challenges to two policies, requiring University of Illinois academics to prove they are working for "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion," and requiring gas stations and grocery stores to tell Illinoisans that the state temporarily suspended certain tax hikes
Students smack down Chicago 'Disinformation' Conference panelists, exposing far more than apparent about media
Traditional media beclowned itself last week at a Chicago conference on “disinformation.” That’s a story in itself, but the bigger story is how they covered up even that story, peddling disinformation about a conference on disinformation. The guilty include Illinois media, which is further guilty of still suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story that is part of what sparked the fireworks at the conference.
The Big Question: If COVID vax doesn't stop the spread, why do we need vax mandates?
While COVID vaccines prevent hospitalizations and death, evidence shows the vaccines don't stop the virus from spreading. It's time for government officials to justify rules requiring people to take the vaccine, Mark Glennon says.
The Content Of Rep. Sean Casten’s Character: His New Video On Critical Race Theory
U.S. Rep. Sean Casten, D-Glen Ellyn, says only a "small minority" of racist Americans are opposed to teaching and implementing the principles of Critical Race Theory throughout the U.S. Data and court cases say that's not true, says Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints.
Proposed new IL constitutional amendment a 'monstrous giveaway' to public worker unions
Illinois voters will decide in 2022 whether to enshrine 'unimagined' union power as a right, similar to that granted public worker pensions, in the state constitution, perhaps forever, says Wirepoints founder Mark Glennon