
Stories by Travis Akin on Cook County Record


Sunday, March 30, 2025

Travis Akin News

I-LAW: Lawsuit reform needed in Chicago

By Travis Akin |
The race for mayor in Chicago is heating up, and at the center of the debate is the City’s dire financial situation. The Chicago Public Schools alone are staring at a $1.14 billion budget deficit.

Time for City to cut bait on this fishy lawsuit

By Travis Akin |
Turn on the TV midday or late night and you’re likely to see an ad from a personal injury lawyer practically begging you to sue someone. Some of these ads actually feature personal injury lawyers waving wads of cash, hoping to entice someone into joining them in a quest for a big payday.The City of Chicago, facing huge budget deficits and poor planning, has been desperately searching for a new pool

Cook County’s addiction to lawsuit costing region badly-needed jobs

By Travis Akin |
The verdict is and Cook County is one of the worst local jurisdictions in the country for legal fairness, according to the newly-released “Judicial Hellholes” report from the American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF).

Legislature leaves lawsuit reform on the table

By Travis Akin |