Travis Akin News
I-LAW: Lawsuit reform needed in Chicago
The race for mayor in Chicago is heating up, and at the center of the debate is the City’s dire financial situation. The Chicago Public Schools alone are staring at a $1.14 billion budget deficit.
Time for City to cut bait on this fishy lawsuit
Turn on the TV midday or late night and you’re likely to see an ad from a personal injury lawyer practically begging you to sue someone. Some of these ads actually feature personal injury lawyers waving wads of cash, hoping to entice someone into joining them in a quest for a big payday.The City of Chicago, facing huge budget deficits and poor planning, has been desperately searching for a new pool
Cook County’s addiction to lawsuit costing region badly-needed jobs
The verdict is and Cook County is one of the worst local jurisdictions in the country for legal fairness, according to the newly-released “Judicial Hellholes” report from the American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF).