Gauthier & Gooch
Professional Services; Law |
Law Firms
209 S. Main St., Wauconda, IL 60084
Recent News About Gauthier & Gooch
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A man is suing Stuart A. Petersen, an attorney, for alleged breach of contract and legal malpractice.
A band of fraternal brothers has been targeted by a former member’s lawsuit accusing members of the fraternal organization of wrongly banning him, smearing his reputation and costing him high legal fees.
A man is suing The Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving Ltd., alleging legal malpractice.
A woman is suing attorney Audrey L. Gaynor; Gaynor's law practice, Audrey L. Gaynor & Associates P.C.; and attorney Richard D. Felice, citing alleged breach of contract.
Chicago attorney Jeffery M. Leving, who extensively advertises his expertise in fighting for “fathers rights,” has been accused by an area dad of billing “outrageous” amounts to represent him in a child custody dispute, and now an insurance company has said it wants no part of defending Leving against the malpractice allegations.
CHICAGO – A Lake Zurich man is suing his divorce lawyer, alleging his mishandling of the case caused the plaintiff to lose more than $200,000.
CHICAGO–An Antioch man is suing his divorce lawyer, alleging the defendant’s incompetence cost the plaintiff $500,000 in an unfair distribution of marital property.
CHICAGO–A Chicago man is suing two lawyers, alleging the terms the defendants agreed to in a settlement with family members cost him $5 million.