Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc
Business: Pharma & Medical Devices | Pharmaceutical Companies
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Workers comp, health insurers for Illinois towns add to mass of municipal opioid lawsuits
Organizations providing workers comp insurance and employee health insurance for more than 200 Illinois local governments have joined the mass of lawsuits against drug makers, distributors and others associated with the spread of so-called opioid painkillers. -
Class action suit says drug companies caused opioid crisis, heightened insurance costs
A Chicago class-action lawyer has filed a 97-page lawsuit in Chicago federal court against 13 drug companies and distributors, on behalf of a woman who alleges the companies promoted opioid use, knowing such painkillers were dangerously addictive, jacking up people's health insurance costs. -
Judge: Faxed invite to diabetes drug seminar enough to let TCPA class action continue
Receiving an unwanted fax, inviting medical professionals to a "free seminar" discussing diabetes treatment options is harmful enough to allow a class action to continue against a drugmaker and a company that describes its mission as "connecting" nurse practitioners with drug companies' clinical research, a Chicago federal judge has said. -
Chicago given third try at pressing opioid deception fraud suit vs drugmakers
A Chicago federal judge is giving City Hall a third try to refine its opioid fraud lawsuit vs drugmakers.