Recent News About Kulwin, Masciopinto & Kulwin
The Illinois law, known as the Civil Rights Remedies Restoration Act, was enacted this year specifically to restore the ability of certain plaintiffs to use "emotional distress" claims to boost their potential payouts under civil rights lawsuits, in defiance of a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision to limit the ability to do so
The class action lawsuit accuses the Antioch Police Department of violating callers' constitutional rights, as well as federal and state laws.
The payout for the lawyers is equivalent to 44% of what the alleged victims would receive.
The woman who has claimed Democrats in Illinois and Chicago, led by House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, blackballed her in retaliation for complaining of sexual harassment at the hands of a Madigan operative, has provided further details to her claims, naming names of prominent Chicago Democrats who declined to hire her out of fear of further retribution from Madigan’s team.
A wrongful termination lawsuit brought by a former Cook County Sheriff’s deputy, who said Sheriff’s office officials used accusations of technical violations to disguise their actual, political motives for firing him, will be allowed to proceed against the Sheriff’s office after a federal judge refused to dismiss the action.