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Posts to Facebook, Google, Yelp are opinion, not factual assertions, the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled
The following cases categorized as "contract" were on the docket in the Circuit Court of Cook County on Sept. 21. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
Companies can face a high bar when considering whether to use defamation lawsuits to defend themselves against claims of wrongdoing, even if they may be able to prove they are falsely accused of "poisoning" communities or "killing" people.
A Chicago organization that specializes in helping people exit hate groups has filed a lawsuit against one if its co-founders who branched off to start a similar organization, saying the new group is infringing its trademarks.
A federal judge has dismissed the complaint an anonymous male student lodged against Columbia College of Chicago regarding accusations of sexual assault, saying the male student couldn’t demonstrate female students accused of sexual assault would be treated any better.
For now, a Chicago federal judge has permitted a onetime student's suit to proceed against the University of Chicago, saying, while the student must furnish a more full explanation, he has squeaked out a plausible case a school official encouraged retaliation against him for complaining about sexual assault allegations.
A surrogacy company is suing Conceiveabilities Inc., and Nazca Fontes, owner, citing alleged unfair competition for violating the terms of a trademark case settled late last year.
A University of Chicago student suing the school over anti-male bias built into its sexual assault investigation system is continuing his lawsuit against the school, in which he is demanding $1.35 million, even though the school purportedly dropped its disciplinary action against him, and after he settled with a female student who allegedly triggered the disciplinary action by accusing him of sexual assault.
A University of Chicago student has sued the school, arguing its sexual assault investigation system has created a "hostile environment against males," which has violated his constitutional rights and potentially those of other male students.
CHICAGO — A Cook County husband and wife are suing the owners of an online forum after someone posted allegedly defamatory statements about the couple on the website.
The Illinois Republican Party and several related political action organizations were within the law to lift a photograph and satirize it for use in a political advertisement against a Democratic state legislator, despite not first securing the photographer’s permission, a federal judge ruled in tossing a legal action brought against the political organizations by the photographer and the unwitting subject of the photo at the heart of the controversy.