A man is suing a bus service and driver over claims he was struck by a bus while crossing West Hirsch Street.
Daniel Martinez filed a lawsuit July 16 in the Cook County Circuit Court against James Ferguson and Pace Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority, alleging negligence.
According to the complaint, Martinez was a pedestrian crossing West Hirsch Street near its intersection with 19th Avenue in Melrose Park on Oct. 10, when he was struck by a Pace bus driven by Ferguson.
Martinez is seeking more than $50,000 in damages and is being represented in the case by attorney Cary J. Wintroub of Cary J. Wintroub & Associates in Chicago.
Cook County Circuit Court Case No. 2014L007461.
This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed in the Cook County Circuit Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note, a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt, and it only represents one side of the story.
Pedestrian claims Pace bus driver hit him crossing street in Melrose Park