
Security guard's slip on ice leads to lawsuit


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Security guard's slip on ice leads to lawsuit

Grazian john

A security guard is suing over claims he fell on ice outside of a Chicago building he was assigned to work at last winter.

Willie Clay filed a lawsuit Dec. 18 in Cook County Circuit Court against Midway Business Center LLC, AJJ Services LLC and New Management Ltd.

According to the complaint, Clay on Feb. 25 slipped and fell on the accumulation of ice on the premises of Midway Business Center at Archer and Cicero avenues, where he had been assigned to provide security services as a guard with Securatex Ltd.

Clay claims Midway Business Center negligently allowed snow to pile up in front of its business, causing a dangerous condition for business invitees, and failed to remove the ice or instruct the snow removal contractor to apply rock salt.

His suit also names as defendants New Management, which managed and controlled the premises at issue, and AJJ Services, the company that provides snow removal and salting services to the premises.

Clay is represented by attorney John L. Grazian of Grazian & Volpe in Chicago.

Cook County Circuit Court case number: 2014L013080.

This is a report on a civil lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court. The details in this report come from an original complaint filed by a plaintiff. Please note, a complaint represents an accusation by a private individual, not the government. It is not an indication of guilt and represents only one side of the story.


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