
Oak Lawn Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center sued by estate over alleged wrongful death


Monday, March 10, 2025

Oak Lawn Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center sued by estate over alleged wrongful death


A woman is suing Oak Lawn Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center over alleged negligence and wrongful death.

Nishika Mack, as special administrator of the estate of Roy Green (deceased), filed a lawsuit Sept. 4 in Cook County Circuit Court, Law Division against Oak Lawn Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center, a division of New York Boys Management LLC, citing negligence.

According to the claim, Green suffered massive malnutrition and developed pressure ulcers and decubitus wounds resulting in pneumonia and infection ultimately leading to his death on May 26, 2014, while in the care of Oak Lawn Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center. The center is located at 9525 S. Mayfield Ave. in Oak Lawn. Green resided at the center from Oct. 25, 2013, to Dec. 9, 2013.

Mack is seeking damages of more than $50,000, plus attorney fees and costs, for Oak Lawn Respiratory and Rehabilitation Center’s negligence to not further care for Green and his condition which led to his death, the claim states.

She is being represented by Mark L. Karnon of Mark L. Karno and Associates in Chicago.

Cook County Circuit Court, Law Division case number 2015L009158.

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