
Woman sues CH Ventures, says property management firm made employees scan biometrics to punch clock


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Woman sues CH Ventures, says property management firm made employees scan biometrics to punch clock


CHICAGO – A woman has brought a class action lawsuit against her employer, property management company CH Ventures LLC, over the way the company required workers to use a so-called biometric employee time tracking system when punching the clock.

Fabiola Vanegas Gonzalez, individually and on behalf of similarly situated individuals, filed a complaint on Aug. 14 in Cook County Circuit Court against CH Ventures and management resources company ADP LLC, alleging violation of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act. 

According to the complaint, Gonzalez was employed by the defendant and, like other employees, was required to clock in and out using biometric information to confirm her identity. The complaint alleges CH Ventures never informed workers they may store their information without consent, and did not obtain authorization before implementing the biometric timeclock system. Such systems often require workers to scan a fingerprint to verify their identity when cloking in and out of work shifts.

The plaintiff is seeking $1,000-$5,000 per violation, plus attorneys' fees, court costs and other relief. The plaintiff is represented by Jad Sheikali of McGuire Law PC in Chicago.

Cook County Circuit Court Case number 2019-CH-09349


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