
FOLEY & LARDNER LLP: Foley & Lardner Corporate Counsel Institute to be held on Oct. 03, 2019


Sunday, March 9, 2025

FOLEY & LARDNER LLP: Foley & Lardner Corporate Counsel Institute to be held on Oct. 03, 2019

Microphone speech

Foley & Lardner LLP recently issued the following announcement.

Practical Guidance for Navigating an Evolving Legal Landscape


Foley & Lardner LLP

321 North Clark Street

Suite 2800

Chicago, IL 60654-5313


Angela Vastey



11:30 a.m. –

Registration and Lunch

12:00 – 5:00 p.m. –


5:00 – 7:00 p.m. –

Networking, Cocktails, and Heavy Hors D’oeuvres

The whirlwind of changes in the legal landscape over the past several years has led to an evolution in the role in-house legal teams play within their companies. Today's in-house counsel face increased expectations about the scope of their knowledge and must shoulder increased responsibility for managing risks and rewards within their business – all while contending with an increased focus on their company's bottom line.

The Corporate Counsel Institute is a half-day event designed to help you keep up with these increasing pressures by offering you practical guidance regarding both “hot” legal topics and legal issues you may encounter on a regular basis. The Institute's panelists, including both in-house counsel and Foley attorneys, will offer practical, timely advice on these subjects intended to resonate with in-house lawyers at all levels.

Event Overview

The Institute will cover what in-house legal teams need to know about:

IP Cases Everyone is Talking About: Dark Horse Infringement, a “FUCT” Supreme Court Case, Why “Secret Sales” Count as Prior Art, and More

#MeToo: The Intersection of Ethics + Law + Change

Negotiating the “Boilerplate” in Commercial & Strategic Contracts: Traps for the Unwary

Avoiding Benefits “Whiplash”: Strategic Considerations for Coping with Ever-Changing Benefits Laws

Attorney-Client Privilege in an Era of Constant Communication

“Cultivating” Interest in the New Illinois Marijuana Laws

During the Institute, participants will be encouraged to share their own insights and experiences and to network with their peers. Our goal is to ensure you return to your office with a greater awareness of issues you’re likely to face in your in-house role, as well as the skills you'll need to become a problem solver for your company.

Registration and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m., with presentations starting at 12:00 p.m. We'll also provide snacks throughout. Finally, to provide Institute participants with additional networking opportunities, we will host a reception – offering cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres – in our office immediately following the Institute.

Original source can be found here.


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