
Stories by Jireh Gibson on Cook County Record


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Jireh Gibson News

Judge cans fraud class action vs PetSmart, Hill's Pet Nutrition over prescription cat food prices

By Jireh Gibson |
A Chicago federal judge has canned a class action consumer fraud lawsuit against PetSmart and Hill's Pet Nutrition, claiming the retailer and pet food maker unfairly marked up prescription cat food.

Judge's ruling in trade secrets case indicates 'inevitable disclosure' doctrine still applies in IL

By Jireh Gibson |
A federal judge has rejected a manufacturer's attempt to shelve a competitor's lawsuit that it should pay for hiring a former employee who allegedly improperly took trade secrets with him. And the decision could offer lessons to employers in lllinois and elsewhere.

Attorney says $20 million settlement in Chicago red light camera bribery scandal seems low

By Jireh Gibson |
A former red light camera vendor for the city of Chicago has agreed to pay $20 million to settle a $2 million bribery scandal. But the amount of the settlement has raised eyebrows, particularly from the former executive at the vendor company who brought the lawsuit against his former employer on behalf of the city.

Attorney involved in Harris v Quinn: SEIU should repay fees 'illegally' collected from day care providers

By Jireh Gibson |
Illinois-based home child care providers who paid "fair share" fees for almost nine years to a union they did not support will not get that money back following a lawsuit, after a federal judge who heard their case rejected the plaintiffs' argument the arrangement violated their constitutional rights and said the union can keep the money because it collected the money in "good faith."