In the motion, attorney Tom DeVore, on behalf of the CPS educators, asserts Chicago Public Schools' vaccine mandate for workers violates their rights to due process under Illinois law
A Cook County judge ruled public health agencies need to be able to prove their quarantine orders are actually needed and backed by evidence. This will be used in other court fights, says Mark Glennon, of Wirepoints
A Cook County judge last month rejected the attempt by the Cook County Department of Public Health to force a seventh grader to be excluded from school for 10 days, even though the student had tested negative, saying the health officials needed to do more than merely insinuate the student might be contagious
In an appellate brief, the workers argued their rights to privacy and bodily autonomy to refuse a vaccine of questionable effectiveness, should be upheld under the same reasoning used by the U.S. Supreme Court to declare a constiutional right to abortion.
The lawsuits seek potentially big money from eight defendants, including Altitude Health Services; the Kindred Hospital system; HBS Management; GMP Chicago; Congress Plaza Hotel; Wexford Home Corp.; and Vyse Gelatin.
Even as he talked with investigators in the federal prosecution that led to the indictment of former House Speaker Michael Madigan, Gov. JB Pritzker has been fighting to lift federal oversight of state hiring practices, a system exploited by Madigan to cement his grip on power statewide
Federal prosecutors allege Michael J. Madigan, who for 40 years led Illinois Democrats and ruled over much of Springfield and Chicago politics, was the leader of a criminal racketeering enterprise, beginning at least 10 years ago.
Two Republican justices said the state high court's Democratic majority had erred in passing on the chance to determine whether a Springfield judge had properly blocked Gov. JB Pritzker from enforcing his school mask, testing and exclusion rules
Hospitals argued HIPAA should shield them from class actions brought under Illinois' biometrics law by workers who needed to scan their fingerprints to access locked medicine dispensary systems
A suit against McDonald's for allegedly advertising false prices at O'Hare, which had been dismissed, will begin again, because an appeals panel has ruled the judge in the case should have OK'd plaintiff's motion to substitute her with another judge.
The lawyer for Illinois students, parents and educators responded to Gov. JB Pritzker's petition asking the Illinois Supreme Court to put a hold on a Springfield judge's order barring Pritzker from enforcing his school mask mandate and other COVID restrictions
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker says only the Illinois Supreme Court can "halt mischief," as school districts statewide ditch forced masking, testing and student exclusion policies that a Springfield judge says were illegal
The owners of the Southside Recycling metal recycling plant say the city's permit denial was motivated by politics, not science, and warned businesses from attempting to do business with the city, a "not reliable partner."
Gov. JB Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul each promised to ask the Illinois Supreme Court to undo lower court rulings declaring Pritzker's COVID school rules to be non-existent, null, void
Appellate justices declined to step in, saying a decision by a committee of state lawmakers to not allow Gov. JB Pritzker to renew his school mask mandate and other COVID-related school rules means the state, at this time, has no rules to enforce, and the Springfield judge has no rules to restrain