

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Municipal Employee Alleges Retaliation by Local Officials Over Free Speech Dispute

Federal Court
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A municipal employee alleges retaliation for exercising his First Amendment rights, igniting a legal battle that questions the integrity of local governance. On June 13, 2024, Dwayne Thrash filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against Thornton Township and its officials, Tiffany Henyard and Keith Freeman.

Thrash, who had been employed by Thornton Township since 2003 as a Maintenance Manager, claims he was terminated for refusing to support an alleged unlawful scheme orchestrated by Henyard and Freeman. According to the complaint, after Thrash was elected President of the Thornton Township Trustees of Schools in April 2021, he continued his role at the township. The tension began when Freeman and Henyard allegedly sought to replace the existing school board attorney with their preferred law firm, Del Galdo Law Group LLC. Thrash resisted these changes, citing concerns over legality and propriety.

In early May 2023, Freeman reportedly pressured Thrash during multiple meetings to endorse their plan. When Thrash refused to comply during a phone call on Mother’s Day (May 14), stating he would not participate in firing everyone in the office, his employment fate was sealed. Despite being scheduled for a raise later that month, Thrash was abruptly terminated on June 14, 2023. He received notice from Dr. Jerry L. Weems citing "misconduct" and "insubordination," accusations which Thrash vehemently denies.

The complaint details that no pre-termination or post-termination hearings were provided to Thrash as required under procedural due process laws. Moreover, it alleges that write-ups used to justify his termination were fabricated while he was on approved vacation time. Thrash contends this action violated his First Amendment rights as well as state laws protecting employees from retaliatory discharge.

Thrash seeks back pay, front pay, compensatory damages for emotional distress, punitive damages, and attorneys' fees. Additionally, he requests an injunction against Thornton Township to prevent further unlawful conduct and employment practices.

Representing Thrash is Matthew R. Custardo of Custardo Law LLC. The case is yet to be assigned a judge or case ID.

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