

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Firefighters Accuse Chicago Fire Commissioner Of Racial Discrimination In Promotions

Federal Court
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A trio of firefighters is suing the Fire Commissioner of Chicago, alleging racial discrimination in promotional exams. The complaint was filed by John Hernandez, Daniel Kairis, and Michael Zamora in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on August 9, 2024, against Annette Nance-Holt.

According to the plaintiffs, all three are currently employed as Lieutenants in the City of Chicago Fire Department. They accuse Nance-Holt of intentionally delaying the release of their test scores from promotional exams taken in June and August 2023 to meet a racial quota for African-American promotions. The plaintiffs argue that this constitutes a violation of their civil rights under 42 U.S.C § 1981, which ensures equal rights to make and enforce contracts regardless of race.

The lawsuit details that Hernandez, Kairis, and Zamora took written and oral exams on June 20 and August 6, respectively, to be promoted to the rank of Captain. However, they claim that their test scores have not been released because Nance-Holt has been unable to reach an agreement with the union (Chicago Fire Fighters Local No. 2) regarding her desired racial preferences for promotions. "Commissioner Nance-Holt has forestalled the release of their test scores because she wants to achieve a certain quota of promotions for African-Americans," states the complaint.

The plaintiffs argue that this delay has caused them significant harm. They assert that their promotions have been delayed, resulting in lost income since Captain pay is higher than Lieutenant pay. Additionally, they claim emotional distress due to these delays and potential reductions in their monthly pension amounts upon retirement since pensions are calculated based on the last four years of pay.

The plaintiffs seek a judgment declaring Nance-Holt's actions as violations of § 1981 and an order compelling her to cease exercising racial preference in employment decisions. They also request compensation for lost income, emotional distress damages, and any other relief deemed appropriate by the court.

Representing Hernandez, Kairis, and Zamora is attorney Julie Herrera from the Law Office of Julie O. Herrera. 

The Case ID is: 24-cv-7034.

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