Recent News About Donald A. Shapiro, Ltd.
A man is suing Dr. Michael Maghrabi and Michael M. Maghrabi DPM PC for alleged negligence.
A couple is suing Trinity Health Corporation, Loyola University Medical Center, Loyola University Health System, doctors Gerard Abbood, Adrian Dobrowolsky, Michael Anstadt, Zachary Bastian, Cynthia Weber, Richard Gonzalez, and Jacqueline Brosius and two nurses for alleged negligence.
A man is suing Advocate Medical Group and doctor Charles E. Frank for allegedly improperly amputating his arm.
A man's family is suing Dr. Gregorio Rosenstein and Porteno Medical Services S.C., citing alleged insufficient measures were taken to prevent injuries and negligence.
A couple and their son have filed a complaint alleging doctors didn't properly treat the boy's leg, leading to permanent nerve injury.