
Stories by Taryn Phaneuf on Cook County Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

Taryn Phaneuf News

Supreme Court ruling throws Apple's $400M patent win into question, could impact other design patent litigation

By Taryn Phaneuf |
In a unanimous decision last month, the U.S. Supreme Court took away Apple’s $400 million win in a lawsuit against Samsung, calling on the lower courts to reassess the damage award for violating a smartphone design patent.And this decision could have broader implications for other cases involving design patents for phones and other products, said a Chicago intellectual property attorney.

North Riverside mayor laments ruling in fire, police pension case

By Taryn Phaneuf |
The mayor of a small suburban community west of Chicago thinks the village was unfairly “singled out” for underfunding police and fire pensions in the years during the recession when revenue was low.

City levies higher fees to register vacant buildings, sock lenders, loan servicers

By Taryn Phaneuf |
The city of Chicago has amended a city code to reduce the number of vacant buildings throughout Chicago, socking lenders and mortgage servicers with higher fees in the process, even as those lenders navigate the slow county judicial foreclosure process. 

Judge's temporary order on overtime rule could hint at its fate, attorney says

By Taryn Phaneuf |
Days before the rule was set to take effect, a federal judge in Texas blocked a U.S. Department of Labor rule that would have extended overtime pay to upwards of 4 million salaried workers. The Department of Labor has appealed. The decisions in the meantime could produce confusion, a Chicago employment lawyer said.

New Chicago tax on bags will yield revenue, but maybe not environmental benefits

By Taryn Phaneuf |
The city of Chicago will begin charging people next year a tax for each bag they use to haul groceries and other items purchased at retailers in the city. But while the tax will produce income for the city, it remains to be seen how much the tax will actually do to reduce the number of plastic bags Chicagoans use - a major selling point for such taxes in Chicago and other locales.

Ruling in Wisconsin redistricting lawsuit could provide pathway for reform in Illinois

By Taryn Phaneuf |
A legal fight over the way legislative districts are drawn in Wisconsin could have implications for Illinois voters who have called for similar reform.

Voters OK'd term limits for their towns, but barriers make applying limits statewide difficult

By Taryn Phaneuf |
On Election Day, four Cook County communities took action on an issue that many voters in Illinois want to see addressed on a much larger scale: term limits.

Change in chief justices not likely to produce other significant changes at IL Supreme Court, experts say

By Taryn Phaneuf |
Justice Lloyd Karmeier’s selection as chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court won’t have much effect on the way the court makes decisions, political scientists in the state say.

Illinois treasurer pulls $30 billion investment business from Wells Fargo due to scandal

By Taryn Phaneuf |
The state of Illinois has joined the public retribution against Wells Fargo as the bank deals with the aftermath of its admission that employees opened accounts without customers’ authorization, and that could send a warning to other financial institutions, as it potentially harms the bank's future business prospects.

Illinois governments would face large legislative hurdle to follow Detroit's path on bankruptcy, pension cuts

By Taryn Phaneuf |
A federal appeals court in Ohio has upheld a ruling rejecting claims that Detroit retirees’ pensions were unfairly cut,  demonstrating that declaring bankruptcy may be a viable, if extreme, way to deal with a city’s overwhelming pension obligation.

Chicago pensioners will appeal to IL Supreme Court, demand city pay health benefits for life

By Taryn Phaneuf |
CHICAGO — Pensioners who retired after working for the City of Chicago and are fighting to keep their health care benefits will appeal their case to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Serial false-claims litigant loses case vs California wine company; no 'reckless disregard' for IL tax law

By Taryn Phaneuf |
A Cook County Circuit Court judge has ruled in favor of a California wine company accused of violating the Illinois False Claims Act (IFCA), saying the facts don’t support a serial litigator's claim the company acted with “reckless disregard” of its obligation to collect state taxes on shipping and handling.

Partial impasse declaration partial wins for taxpayers, union; more talks to come

By Taryn Phaneuf |
The state has entered unfamiliar territory after an administrative law judge determined Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and the largest state employee union have reached a partial impasse in contract negotiations, said an attorney who focuses on labor relations for the Illinois Policy Institute.

NLRB rules employers must bargain with unions before disciplining workers ahead of first contract

By Taryn Phaneuf |
While unions and employers focus on bargaining points like pay and benefits ahead of their first contract, they’re also obligated to put discretionary discipline on the table, according to a recent National Labor Relations Board decision.

Porch collapse trial ended by record-setting $4.5 million settlement

By Taryn Phaneuf |
CHICAGO – Three years after a man leaned against an allegedly ill-maintained balcony railing while visiting a tenant of a Chicago apartment, the property manager settled the liability lawsuit for $4.5 million.

Advocate hopes case of judge letting fired clerk hear cases should prompt greater voter attention

By Taryn Phaneuf |
The head of an Illinois coalition that monitors judges says the news that a Cook County Circuit Court judge may have allowed a recently-fired law clerk to hear cases while wearing judge's robes should inspire voters to carefully consider who they’re electing to the bench.

Jury sides with small manufacturer in TV mount patent infringement case

By Taryn Phaneuf |
CHICAGO — A jury has saved a small manufacturer $4 million after siding with the defendant in a lawsuit over patents and trade secrets.

Appellate court opinion makes 'clear statement' of taxpayer's right to challenge school board's policy violation

By Taryn Phaneuf |
For school boards, local governments and other public bodies that may be subject to taxpayer lawsuits, a recent appellate court decision reminds public officials to keep an eye on enforcing their own policies, as well as local, state and federal laws, an education lawyer said.

Infrastructure council applauds Cook County's 25-year transportation plan

By Taryn Phaneuf |
CHICAGO —  With the introduction of a long-range transportation plan, Cook County officials have outlined priorities for the county that will impact local decisions, as well as plans across the region.

Jury awards $925K to family of man who suffered aortic dissection; state med society says reform needed

By Taryn Phaneuf |
CHICAGO — In a recently publicized example of a large payout in a health-care lawsuit, a doctor and hospital accused of not diagnosing a man’s fatal aortic dissection in time agreed to pay $925,000 to the deceased patient’s family.