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A Chicago federal court judge has denied a local trash hauling company’s request to rescind a previously imposed stay on arbitration in a dispute with the city and its primary waste hauling vendors over service contracts.
A woman is suing Allstate Life Insurance Company, Laurie A. Peterson, Trace James Peterson and the estate of Bruce Peterson, citing alleged fraud.
A man is suing Chicago Drinking Co. Inc., and various individuals, citing alleged assault, battery and negligence.
Financial media personalities Todd Horwitz and Adam Mesh, who have built their careers on coaching “average joes” on the intricacies of investing, have landed in Cook County court, with Horwitz accusing Mesh of refusing to pay what he alleged is owed for using Horwitz’s name and brand to boost Mesh’s group of investment marketing campaigns.
A federal judge has tossed out a racial discrimination lawsuit brought by the African-American owners of a garbage hauling company, who had alleged Chicago city officials and representatives of two other waste haulers had conspired to lock their smaller, minority-owned rival out of the city’s waste hauling business, saying the small business owners had not offered nearly enough evidence to back their assertions.
A couple is suing the city, claiming they were injured when they were thrown from a motorcycle that hit exposed sewage pipes.
A soccer facility is suing two people and a soccer league after changes allgedly resulted in a non-payment of rental fees.