Illinois businesses are hit over and over again with relentless, meritless lawsuits that put a strain on everyone involved, hinder businesses, and slow our economy.
Business leaders and defense attorneys are warning of serious problems facing IL business owners, from the state's minimum wage laws, as the state already struggles economically compared to the rest of the country.
Drivers in Illinois are paying sharply higher taxes on gas, after the state doubled the tax to pay for transportation-related projects across Illinois. But what qualifies as "transportation-related" spending? A lawsuit vs Cook County now on appeal could answer that question
HeplerBroom is pleased to announce that Alec Messina, immediate past Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, has joined the firm as a partner in its Springfield office.
The Illinois Supreme Court ruled an attorney collecting a settlement award from a lawsuit he pressed in his own name, ostensibly on behalf of the state of Illinois, against a business over alleged unpaid sales taxes, isn’t entitled also to collect additional legal fees.
A federal appellate court has affirmed a Chicago federal judge’s ruling that switched off suits by a group of electricity producers and Chicago-area power consumers, which sought to invalidate a state law requiring coal and gas burning electricity companies buy credits to prop up two failing Exelon nuclear plants, saying the law doesn’t infringe on federal regulatory prerogatives.
“The Illinois Chamber of Commerce believes the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) draft Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP) is the right direction and applauds the IEPA for their unprecedented period for public comments.
With one judge saying he found “troubling” the potential harm to patients from decreased incentives for drug makers to develop new breakthrough medications, a federal appellate panel in Chicago hashed out some of the legal questions surrounding the appeal of jury’s verdict ordering GlaxoSmithKline to pay $3 million to the widow of a Chicago lawyer who committed suicide, and whose family has accused the pharmaceutical company of failing to warn that a generic version of its drug Paxil could raise a patient’s risk of suicide.
Former Bears running back Matt Forte racked up $43 million in pay before retiring after the 2017-18 season at age 32 because of knee injuries. Now, Forte is trying to get money for those injuries through the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act.
Cook County's increasingly bad reputation for attracting lawsuits from across the nation has contributed significantly to helping the state rank again among the worst legal climates in the nation in a recent national survey.
With the state's financial situation hinging in part on a deal to reform some state worker's compensation rules, Chicago's major pro sports franchises have jumped in, seeking a measure allowing them to stop paying workers comp to athletes at age 35. The teams say it's necessary to change rules that bear no resemblance to the realities of their business, and allow athletes who play for teams in other states with less generous workers comp systems the chance to "forum shop."
At a meeting today of Chicago area business owners and leaders, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue said the country needs to "restart the growth engine" with capital and other financial products and services that businesses and consumers need.
The Illinois Supreme Court restored a ruling in favor of Union Pacific Railroad in a court fight with a worker, employed by a third-party contractor,whose legs were amputated while removing and scrapping an abandoned railroad bridge in Chicago, as the court’s majority said a state appeals court was wrong to overturn the ruling of a Cook County judge who found the railroad owed no duty in this case to the scrap contract worker.
Updates to accessibility guidelines won’t have much of an effect on businesses but will bring regulations up to date with federal law, said a spokesperson from the Illinois Chamber of Commerce.
SPRINGFIELD — Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner used his annual budget address Wednesday to put two choices before legislative Democrats who control both houses of the state legislature: The General Assembly can grant him, the state’s chief executive, the authority to make the cuts that will allow Illinois to spend what it’s bringing in, about $32.8 billion Or, Rauner said, lawmakers can agree to some of what he considers essential economic and political reforms and he’ll work with them on a combin
The courts of Cook and Madison counties, as well as the state of Illinois, have again ranked very poorly in the eyes of business leaders, a survey says, hampering the state’s economic growth, reducing the state’s tax haul, and making it more difficult to pay Illinois’ bills and provide needed public services, according to Ill. Gov. Bruce Rauner and representatives of the nation's largest business association.