A Chicago judge has said it is too early to throw out a class action against Illinois Institute of Technology, which alleges the school breached Illinois' biometric privacy law through facial scanning to verify student identities before they take remote online tests
A state Senate bill that would require presidential and vice presidential candidates to release their tax returns in order to be included on the Illinois ballot could pose a daunting question to the courts.
Throughout Illinois, disputes among members of nonprofit organizations can leave members feeling frustrated and wondering where to turn. But in reality, experts in non-profit law say, there are few outside legal remedies available to them. The best bets? Evoke change from the inside, or bring in a parent organization to restore order.
A Chicago federal judge has delivered a split decision in a lawsuit brought against Chicago's Illinois Institute of Technology by a 63-year-old former administrator at the school, who claimed he was wrongly fired because of his age, because he was Hispanic, and because the school discovered he was organizing meetings with other Latino faculty and staff to discuss Latino issues at the school.
Illinois is considering whether to adopt the National Conference of Bar Examiners' Uniform Bar Examination (UBE), a nationally recognized standardized legal bar exam that is rapidly gaining acceptance nationwide. And a Chicago law school dean on the committee weighing the question said he believes adopting the UBE would be a smart move.